After that, my stomach start it concert.. early morning so hungry.. traditional song this time.. hmm.. so went out to the gerai kuih not far from my house to buy something for breakfast..
So kuih that i bought this morning... hmm kuih seri muka (brown color..thats one of my favorite when i was a kid).. curry puff, my favorite until now.. Kuih lapis (red n white color), very sweet n nice and.. Kuih i dont know the name le.. haha.. that bulat one!! and oppss, not in the pic, kuih apam kemboja.. (eating while one the way bk home lol..) and white coffee.. very yummy...
Then after breakfast, time for me to start sewing.. kurek kurek kurekkkkk sounds from the machine... hehe krekk krekk krekk.. the best sound ever!! lol... Around 11, went to Jusco to buy groceries and bought table for my machine.. murah but very practicle.. hmm picture not avaiable for that.. sorry ya.. haha.. tooo shy to take picture at supermarket... people will look at me la wei!! lol Then , and then having lunch and rushing bk home coz im late for work now... have to arrives office before 2pm.... lari lari!!! before that have to stop by at DOBI to hantar my baju for cleaning.. got no baju to wear anymore.. " kak tolong cuci baju nih yer.. malam nanti saya ambil..".. haha but she know me oredy.. and she said ok... cuci my baju fast fast!!! On car now rushing to train station.. OMG, pewangi kereta sudah habis... ok ok done!! haha... now on the CD.. well, what CD??? taraaaaaaaa...... SITI NURHALIZA... i bought original one ok!!
Cerita Cinta Siti Nurhaliza.. got many good love songs by her~
Then rushing to office.. goshhhh im late.. huhuhu... run run run..... but finally.... taraaaa~~~ reached office safely and punch card.. oppsss.. 2:00pm sharp!! no less no more!! haha taraaaa.... go to do work la wei!!!hahaha.. okkey.. enuf for today... time for me to go bk home.. hupp hupp hureyyyyy!!!
boleh pergi dating... hureyyyy~~~~~
see you later~~